
Here I will group the exercises Adrial is giving us (this will be also a work in progress)

Introduction Exercise 1: Telepathically connect with miniscule craft.

“Every aircraft that travels on Gaia is accompanied by at least one pair of our “craft’, usually in a manner that is not revealed to human sight. We usually travel just ahead of the craft. Gaia is permeated by beings that may appear microscopic, ‘full size’, or simply be ‘cloaked’ by vibrating at a frequency that human eyes cannot perceive.” “Our point is that usually these beings/craft are miniscule, but they can shift scale in an instant, and every once in a while they are spotted.


When you board an aircraft, please mentally acknowledge and greet your unseen companions. Look around and see if you see anything unusual. It could be shimmers of light or refractions such as odd heat ripples, or flashes of light. Ask them to signal to you. They generally stay near the nosecone of a jet until the jet begins to taxi. Then they fly up above the jet, and a bit in front.”

“If you sleep on your flights, as you drift off, think of them and mentally express the wish to connect with them telepathically. You may also do this while you are awake. Additionally, if you are awake, simply try to maintain a gentle awareness of their presence, and visualize a part of yourself, your mind, outside the jet flying with them. Become accustomed to the experience of joining them when you sense they are near. Even if you don’t see anything, trust that they are there and try to connect and join. Please feel free to share with the Crew any experiences that you have related to this exercise, that you feel are of note.”

Exercise 2: Practicing telepathy with another person Telepathy exercise page

The Crew will be asking us to get acquainted with one another, and then to try experimenting with sending words or images to each other telepathically. The folks on STC have already been doing this with dreams, but the Crew wishes to guide us towards doing this consciously.

For practical reasons… IF it happens that Internet connections are interrupted at some point (if this happens, they expect it only to be temporary), once we learn to communicate simple concepts this way, and recognize one another’s energetic “fingerprint”, we will not be afraid of losing electronic contact.

So they want us not only to learn telepathy, but to learn to identify WHO we are communicating with. This way we will know when we are communicating with one another, and/or with a Crew member aboard Athabantian.

Exercise 3: Regarding protecting and blessing energetically

Adrial suggests that when you feel you might need energetic protection, if you can please visualize brilliant white transmuting light, bathing both your immediate area and the vicinity, and to play a game of trying to “spot” any “imposters” – people who you suspect may actually be angels or special beings, appearing there to balance the energy of the world.

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