Recruitment, Reunion, and Ground Crew

Connecting is simple.

(Please note: This post was created for the initial Athabantian Recruiting… For other ships, please see those specific recruiting posts, to learn if there is any additional information specific to those ships.)

We’ll list the names of the Athabantian Crew (and this really is only a partial list of those aboard the StarShip…) and their roles. If one of the names you read resonates with you very deeply, and you feel you need help connecting with them, please contact Leslee by email.

We’ll use this email address: (Please email Leslee at this address, about Athabantian recruiting… see other posts for contacts for other ships – thank you!)

To clarify, if you were already involved with Spirit Train Chronicles, and requested joining by posting a comment, that’s fine!

Guide lines:

1. These will be telepathic connections. Not trance channeling, and not a physical meeting. It’s okay if you cannot do this yet; Leslee can teach you how, with Our help. Or, Leslee can encourage you, if you think you’ve got it down and just want to check. All you need is a pendulum and access to Skype (or to go see Leslee in person). This is not typical pendulum work. There is a person-to-person transmission involved, that makes a huge difference in generating clarity and protects the integrity of the message. With practice and dedication, you may learn to connect with Us spontaneously and be confident that you have reached Us, and not spirit imposters.

2. If you want Leslee’s help with telepathy, you must to be willing to work with Us and her on the connection until Adrial says you’re ready to go. You and Leslee will learn to trust together. I, Adrial, am organizing this venture, not Leslee. Please do not worry. You will all learn quickly.

3. To work with Us, you must be willing to share your results, publicly and using your real – legal – name. You must make yourself accessible to the public by email. Leslee can either set you up on Up 2 the 5th, or you’re free to start your own blog or website. If you really think you might lose your job or your spouse if you used your real name, but you really want to do this, then please let Leslee know, and We will discuss it with you.

4. You must be willing to work on a donations-only basis and never try to capitalize on your connection with Athabantian. Running ads on a site devoted to Athabantian or any of her Crew is strongly discouraged. If you develop related products that you wish to sell, you may set prices in online stores, but if people contact you directly, We expect you to use a sliding scale, and we strongly encourage barter or donation basis. This involves trust, and will be one of your most difficult lessons. However, you must learn it if you wish to Ascend.

5. You must not try to copyright, patent, or profit from your knowledge of Athabantian of her Crew. You do not need to add notices or disclaimers to your messages and sites. You will be accessing information that will very soon be available to all. Those with whom you will be working are Ascending too, and you must learn to trust them – and be trustworthy – as well. You must not charge money or require exchange of goods or energy in exchange for what you have been given freely. For the time being, Mark Kimmel is the only person who has our blessings to offer talks, seminars, workshops, etc., related to Athabantian and Her Crew. If you create videos, your channel must not use ads. Again, donation options are welcome.

6. Please be aware that by making this connection, your prime directive is to be willing to help others with their Ascension, and to that end, We may ask you to do a job or fill a role. This venture is not a form of entertainment. There is much work that needs to be done. That said, please understand that this matter is not urgent. We are experiencing a natural growth process. Please continue with your everyday life, where you are now, as We all acclimate to our new communication methods.

7. You must be willing to work directly (in 3D, electronically or in person) with other members of the Ground Crew, and you must be willing to submit the information you receive for feedback and corroboration by others. Blogs are an excellent way to do this. The Spirit Train Chronicles ( is a wonderful example of this which is currently available. This is how we work on Athabantian – as One – and this is how you must all learn to work if you wish to engage the Fifth Dimension. Oneness is all-inclusive. Please keep in mind that in the 5th dimension, all are connected telepathically. There are no outliers or outcasts, rogues or rebels. But We are individuals. We treat one another with respect and kindness and observe personal boundaries, and all are free and encouraged to speak their mind respectfully and judiciously.

8. You may wish to establish discussion forums as the Community grows. Please refrain from creating them with any form of exclusivity. This means no passwords, no logins, no criticism and no divisive words among you. If “trolls” appear, banish them, or as Seth Godin says, ask them “What are you afraid of?” You will be delighted to learn how this approach to community can lead to joyous interaction. We will establish more guidelines in the future if they are needed, but We anticipate that you will relish your transparent community.

9. Lastly, you must not hold Leslee accountable for the outcome of your connection or any efforts to connect with Us. If you wish to work with her, you will be vetted by Us, through her. If We feel that another time would be preferable for you to connect with Us, We will explain why, and what signs you may look for if you wish to try again later.

List of ground crew members (still in update)


  1. “”and not a physical meeting””” – i think is better just one short physical meeting (to see with my own eyes their spaceships, space fleet, space stations and pilots, than the billion telepathic connections and channeling, 🙂

  2. After hesitating for such a long time, I know it’s time for me to join, too ! To me, this announce is the very respond. Thank you !!!

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