Galactic Lightship Dreamflight 23NOV2019

You are invited to join the next Galactic Lightship Dreamflight this Saturday night (23 November 2019) during dreamtime.

All who have expressed their intent to join us will be teleported on board our fleet of Galactic Lightships. You may express your intent to join a specific ship (all are welcome!). We will be meeting during dreamtime on Saturday night, but you do not need to “schedule” the time you are asleep, since you will be timeshifted to the appropriate “place” in time in order to join us. Passwords provided are intended to enhance intent, not to limit access.

Our Fleet includes the following ships

GLS Mothership OcaTAwa (Password “Center Spiral Wings Unity”)
GLS Mothership mu
GLS Aeterna (Password “Wings“)
GLS Algiz (Password “Center“)
GLS Blaze (Password “Helix“)
GLS Chimera (Password “Emanate”)
GLS Cameleon
GLS Ceilidh
GLS Salcys
GLS Angelon
GLS Susan
GLS Space Wave (Password “Unity”)
GLS Athabantian (Password “Radiate”; website: Up2the5th, Cosmic Paradigm)
GLS Aurora (Password “Mocham”; website: Multidimensionalocean,  Auroradreamflight2)

Our fleet has also been joined by the GLS Tulya, GLS Neptune, GLS Athena, GLS Olympia, GLS Ceilidh, GLS Balthazar, GLS Phoenix, GLS Enterprise, GLS Resolution, and GLS Eui.

Standard equipment includes rejuvenation pods, translation modules, navigation equipment, and healing platforms. Materials are crystalline in nature, and may be variable in size and shape.

Collective dream experiences (shared dreams) have been successfully established.

You may wish to read about background information on our process, or more about our Galactic Fleet.

Your Astral travel / Dreamflight experiences may be shared in the comments of this post, or in any way you feel comfortable sharing your experience.

Please note that dreamflights are always free and do not require membership for your participation. Only your intent to join the dreamflights is required.


  1. Wow, dear Alan, I’m so EXCITED to know that you are of Denmark origin!!!!!!! This as well answers so much with regards to the numerous synchronicity. It feels so GREAT to be able to expand the knowledge or any kind of knowing via someone we are so resonated and connected with.

    Something in synchronicity and worth being shared here, though of rather Irish root…..

    Today, it’s Thanksgiving and I would like to take advantage of this occasion to show my highest appreciation and gratitude, even blessing to all the ones who have helped, guided, comforted, accompanied, shared, etc……..May all the precious ones have a NICE THANKSGIVING!!!!

    An precious message via Celia Fenn

    Well here we go into December, and I promise that the energies will knock your socks off! (If unlike me, you still have socks. Mine are long gone with this years power shifts! ha ha)

    Well, we have a very powerful 12/12/12 alignment and portal on the 12th of December 2019, which reduces to a 3/3/3 and adds up to a 9.

    To add to the mix, the sun is in the 13th sign of Ophiucus, which is the sign of the Healer, so we can expect more powerful energies to be moving through. (If you follow 12 sign astrology then it is Sagittarius, which also packs quite a powerful punch!)
    All those 3 and 9 numbers indicate a focus on the Earth, the Divine Feminine and Abundance. The Planet is gearing up for the 2020 New Beginning. The 9 brings in the element of Great Wisdom and Sovereign Power, when the Planet will be initiated into the leadership of the Field of Love and Christ Consciousness and the Planetary Council of Elders.

    As Earth moves closer to the Galactic Center alignment on the 15th December (6 Divine Union energy), we will feel the incoming Diamond Light Radiance and the Diamond Codes from the Galactic Council.

    And then on the 21/12/2019, which is also a 3/3/3 alignment, we have the Solstice and the rebirthing of the Planet into a new period of Galactic Light.

    So the portal dates are 3rd December (3/3/3) and 12th December 12/12/12 or 3/3/3 and 21/12/12 or 3/3/3). The 3 dates are linked as the power builds and is transmitted through the web of light that forms the portals and brings the energy to us.

    We can expect Love, Abundance and Joy….and anything that is not will be urged to release and move on and out!

  2. As the Master, or Maestro by which he like’s to be called, progressively state’s is to, just ‘Follow the Plan’ everything is taken care of to the end, Peace, Love & Freedom to all. Blessings.

  3. Wow! This interview is from where I was born, Copenhagen, Denmark. The way we would spell it is Kopenhaven, Danmark. Now, I have heard that there is more than one (1) kind of 5G, and we are going to have the one that’s not harmful to any life @ all, as per President Trump. (it’s got something to do with the internal construction of the New Fence separating Mexico from US.) we will be pleasantly surprised I believe was the Quote, I thought you should know, thank you for your Video Feilla.

  4. Dear Alan, likewise, I thank you, too, and this communication, reciprocal sharing, caring can never been assumed lightly. The truth is we the ones are so interfered in any kind of communication, expression. So, the ones being in silence have been in fact so suffering.

    Here, I cannot wait to share this one, invite, even beg more and more the ones to take serious about this/these. My highest homage to the ones who DARE to speak their TRUTH!!!

    Mark 57:00-1:00:00

  5. Dear Alan, it’s you who have always helped to review, to reconnect, and whom I cannot appreciate enough. Reviewing the path what we have ever walked through, the emotions get so complex. There is no doubt why you just knew to have these crystals and what’s precious and matters is the timing when the SHIP appeals you and the ones. Not only for you, but also in my own case, demagnetizing them and ourselves frequently is also so important !!!

    There are so many treasures just being brought in and I cannot wait to share.

    I cannot exaggerate at all how this film-editing was made, neither thank enough the precious ones who have helped me to learn from this series of films all along.

    HAVE EXCELLENT TRIPS, my precious ones !!!

      • So, not only for connecting with the Ship MU, but also with the other ships, CRYSTAL would be a very crucial medium-key. With regards to the connection with Ship MU, Lumerian crystal would be very very helpful. You can just lie in bed or sit in any comfortable place, holding one or more crystals in your hands, doing meditation, connecting the wanted SHIPs, expressing your willing to be aboard, giving them the password. Then relax as much as you can, it’s even so OK to fall asleep. For we get aboard in ethereal state. So, being relax, even forgetting our 3D patterns, frames are so helpful. May this help more or less, our super precious Alan !!!

        • I have both Clear Lemurian and Diamond Black Lemurian Crystal, (one each) the Clear Crystal is about the size & shape of a very large thick candy bar, and the Black Crystal is approx. a 5 inch perfect Orb shape. Thank you so much for your assist & information, super dearly appreciated Feilla

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