Crystal Connections – March 2013


  1. Crystal meditation 31 March 2013
    I saw first a light being coming out of the mirror and then realized that it was arachanai. We merge together. I see water and I am in the sea, something is happening. I see the land MU and Atlantis. I put my stone on the side of my sleep and I feel a connection going on with my stone as information got downloaded.

  2. Crystal meditation 31 March 2013

    As I closed my eyes i was connected with the Sphinx, I saw the face and the aura of orange and golden colours around the face just in front of me
    Then the Bear came again connecting with this Higher energy, the Bear asked for a means of Protection, Her claws were up and She received an object with many red dots situated at the edges of each of the rectangles that were building the net She received, a net of brown rectangles with red dots on it, this was a kind of shield the bear received, the Bear was with me all the time in my meditation, I asked about Lisa and received the image of the Wolf, this wolf was in a forest and was a bit separated but I saw the Wolf
    A beautiful land I saw again, the mountains and the blue sky but I was watching this land from a kind of trap I was in , I could not escape from the trap
    Love and Light

  3. OLA has just shown me the opening of the Gate , many tall Angelic Beings stand by the Gate and I was allowed to enter through the Gate
    Love and Light

  4. Crystal Meditation – 30 March 2013
    I connected with the Bear and the Wolf and I got a feeling of being underwater at first and then in Space
    Then I had a vision of opening a door towards a balcony outside, I was at home but this place has little in common with my current home
    I saw a blue sky and a Being came to me, big head like a Sun with rays and small body , the name of the Being is ZARA that in Bulgarian means – DAWN, it is amazing because this Being comes to me for the second time, I saw it in a dream and Babajij also has seen Dawn, he has shared this in STC
    ZARA is either the same Being Dawn or a Being from the similar origin
    The message I got from ZARA confirms my experience with the runes recently, ZARA advised me to have faith in the Runes about the problem I have now, it is amazing how I saw three Runes and then they appeared when I was asking for advice in the physical 3D world and now ZARA made me remember them and gave me the message to follow the Runes
    Thank You!
    Love and Light

    • Crystal Meditation – 30 March 2013

      But I saw a golden circle and I felt it in my heart. I felt the circle is complete but also stands for eternity so you get, eternity complete. Before the mediation I saw a dragonfly. And after the meditation I had to think of my soul dragon.

  5. Crystal Meditation – 29 March 2013

    I was connected with the Arcturian craft and received DNA activation …there was Light of yellow colour there
    A feeling of Space
    Then the Shaman came again, his mouth was so close to my face and he was singing, then I saw his face through a crystal ball of clear quartz that was a kind of mirror at the same time, he is a Native American Shaman
    My heart connected with the heart of Gaia and I sent the vibrations I was receiving into the core of Gaia through my Central Channel
    I felt grounding and calming effect
    I saw some Beings, I think three of them, a Pharaoh woman and another woman of Angelic vibrations and one more face
    Love and Light

    • Crystal Meditation – 29 March 2013
      I see a Ferris wheel, I see a sea star, I see stars in the night sky. I see I am connected with Tauno by a silver thread connecting our hearts. I am on Blaze and we are in a big soft white lighted room. I see people working wearing red tight suit, I am wearing one too and I am tall and blond haired. I am busy recalculating the vibration openings of the gates to guide earth safely through vibrations going higher. I see a dear and it feels like a safe haven.

  6. Crystal Meditation – 28 March 2013
    As I was listening to Calling of the Hathor I saw a violet flower
    Then my mind was occupied with things from my everyday life and things that I have said today and conversations I did, I had trouble concentration but I sensed strong vibrations listening to the sounds and to the shaman voice, I got a sense of being a bird with giant wings and flying slowly waving my wings and in front of me there was a Portal of golden Light, through this Portal I could see the New Earth that is already there, Mother Mary and the baby Jesus came to me as a vision and then I saw the face of Mother Mary in front of me, Her face was Giant and I sensed Angelic vibrations
    Then I connected my heart with the Heart of Gaia and I saw the surface of the Earth , I sensed an energy in my Heart area and I saw a wood growing from my heart, the tree trunks of the trees in this wood were of pale green colour
    Love and Light

    • Crystal Connection – 28 March 2013
      I see first the dreamcatcher and then the pentagram. I see a forest of birches and it snowed. Between the trees I see a crystal pyramid. I also see a white mustang horse with dark brown spots looking @ me. I feel like I have a house nearby where I live with my family. For this moment I am alone, I see a red berry plant. It feels so peaceful. I see a native American shaman coming up to me handing me a feather of an eagle and he smiles. I see the dreamcatcher again. Then I see a bird fly up and a deer coming from behind a tree. As last image of the meditation I see the dream catcher again.

  7. Crystal Meditation – 27 March 2012

    I first see a ball of white/yellow energy around me, as if it is a kind of transport device. Then I find myself on the Arcturian ship and I feel Tauno so nearby me, as if she is in me.
    We are guided to a big white room and invited to stand into the circle. We both are standing in the circle facing each other and a double helix light is going around is, we standing in the middle.
    I feel great, if feel blissful, I feel the pains go away and feel more energetic. We are there for a reason, it seems that we are upgraded, but also linked to each other to complete our mission.
    We are encoded with dna that defines our mission and will activate once we are back in our physical bodies, without the memory what the mission is, but our intuition and heart will guide us through.
    We are beings of light, we are the gatekeepers.

  8. Crystal Meditation – 27 March 2012

    I saw a natural clear crystal cluster, a giant one and behind it there was a beautiful land, next I saw a waterfall like Niagara, streams of water were falling as separate sleeves from the rocks and the waterfall was long and slightly curved like Niagara
    i got a sense then of being in a forest and at the same time in Cosmos
    Then I saw the Earth from Space like a giant cotton wool flower and the Light was extending on Earth as if the flowers in the garden that spread and gradually fill the whole garden
    I received a message that was – do not give up beaming your Light far and wide, you have to be strong, put all your efforts in your mission because now the old paradigm is being destroyed, it is hard, it is painful for all of you but you fight for your freedom, it may take you long time but finally the victory will be yours and you will be as you want to be
    Lisa, I remember now a tall Being of golden Light in a room that was shining, the yellow colour indicated the Arcturians indeed, at the end of my meditation I saw one or two faces

  9. Last night early morning I had a vision where I was sitting on a mountain looking down on China. I was a Monk dressed in purple robes I was meditating and saw their Army laid out before me. I could sense fear and a feeling of deep sadness among them. In my hand left I held a Star ( Knowledge,Wisdom) in the other an Ankh ( meaning light.) Name repeating in my head Ishtar, Ashtar, then Tanakh. I have no idea what the names mean in this context so will need to do some research.

    • Dear Suzanne, you were definitely connected with Ashtar and the star indicates this too and the name as well, perhaps you had a memory from a past life
      Love You! I am glad that you are with us in these meditations

  10. Crystal Meditation – 26 March 2013
    I had trouble concentration but I have got some visions,
    I connected with Egypt and I “borrowed” the Sphinx, I was there and was watching through the eyes of the Sphinx , I saw the Pyramids there and the people down and I sensed a strong vibration in my Heart, like the Sound of Burning, like a Sun
    The Rune GEBO came written of dots in yellow and blue colour this way – yellow next to blue next to yellow next to blue…
    I thought about Lisa and our conversation that we had earlier today, as the conversation was going I had an inner fight that came from the thought of being separated from people that I feel very attracted to, this happens in my life with so many friends I have, I am separated due to different circumstances and interferences and now I do not want this to happen again
    I got a vision of a craft, a shining Arcturian craft of golden and blue Light and I saw an Arcturian face, this was one of the crew who connected with me, the chin was sharp and the eyes were big and dark and I got this message ” You will never experience this separation again”
    Then I saw a woman from Scandinavia, a shaman woman that I have seen on U-tube, she is tall, long blond hair and was dressed in a wide blouse with some signs written on it and she was walking before me and we entered a room, a lamp was on there and there were many shelves with all kinds of jars, bowls, plants, wooden items, pots, then we were walking in a forest, I saw her before me and the ground under our feet, I saw the autumn leaves on the ground and the path, the woman transformed into a Being with mantle, then Spirit, then I saw Mother Mary walking before me, and Angels too and we started to run, I was running after them and a Golden Light energy speeded our run and we started flying through the forest and there came a Portal and this portal was leading me into the New Earth, I saw again the mountains and the mountain top of pyramid shape, the blue sky too, it was so beautiful
    Then I connected with the Wolf and we were so close together as if I hugged the Wolf

    • Crystal Meditation – 26 March 2013

      notre dame

      Source picture:

      I see first a rose window of the Notre Dame church in Paris. Then I see a winterscape and a big crystal pyramid. I go inside and I see the pool of water again but the water looks gold and silver. I go in and let myself float and I start to meditate, connecting with the golden and silver strings of the water. Connecting with the ONE , connecting with Arachanai. I ask about the 4 and the letter S Tauno saw in OLA. 4 is the four cornerstone that I am for everybody providing S stability . But S also means spirituality , self awareness , safety and strength.

      • Lisa, these are similar themes to what I saw in my recent dream on the (Athabantian?) where I met Adrial… Stained glass windows, gold pathways, flowing water.

        I’m not sure which ship it was – next time I’ll have to try to remember to ask! 🙂

  11. Crystal Meditation – 25 March 2013
    I saw a caduceus of Light, it was in human form and from the heart area there was strong Angelic Light that was shining with White
    Then Lotus I saw, a ray of Light from the lotus up into Space , more Lotus flowers situated on some kind of columns and connecting us with Space, then the Lotus flowers turned into big mushrooms and the sun was shining over them
    Then I saw the Rune ALGIZ and I heard the Angels singing again, then I remember flying with the Rune TIR above the New Earth, green mountains I saw everywhere , at the distance the mountains had blue peaks with white snow on the peaks, green valley and a river, the river was straight like a street, mountains everywhere and a clear blue sky above, it was so beautiful

    • Crystal connection 25-03-2013

      I see silver stars up in the night sky. I find myself in an underground , between inner earth and surface earth, library where all the knowledge, all the books that were written on earth and future books. I am one of the library protectors. It is late and I am sitting in a small library, reading a golden book , with golden letters, this book only contain two golden pages. Every time I touch it, it changes text. Next to me is my big round mossagate wheel , with carvings in it, star positions, universe, some strange configurations. Here I am a man, and I am wearing dark blue robe and I have long white hair. I feel I am @ peace. End meditation.

  12. Crystal Meditation – 24 March 2013
    As I closed my eyes I saw a big pink Lotus open and a Portal going up from it, at the other side of the Portal there was an Arcturian craft with saucer shape
    then more visions of Lotuses I had and a pink/orange Lotus too, the Mermaid was there too
    Jeshua came of Golden Light as a vision and there were other Masters there too
    Light in my pineal gland I sensed and I saw a Being watching me, then a dead person and another, more dead people I saw and I sensed Santa Muerte`s Presence, I tried to move my focus from these visions to visions of Light but I only saw many people running in horror on the surface, I feel this was a vision from a past life because all these men, women and children were dressed like people from 19 century or before and they all were bare feet, Angels , Huge Angels Guardians were walking after them and were giving an invisible support of the running people, then I saw many Beings of Angelic vibrations that were standing side by side and in a straight row, Perhaps nuns, with dark blue covered heads and bodies, I saw their profiles while they were praying and bowing, it was a kind of funeral ceremony perhaps
    Then I entered a tunnel/Portal and I went faster and faster and the Rune TIR was leading me, I felt like flying as a racket with the Rune till there came Light and a Being inside the tunnel
    I remember what I saw at the end of the tunnel, the Galaxy, it was shining with all colours
    Love you all


      • You mean the situation in Syria and Egypt, Greece and so many other countries, perhaps, dear Suzanne , many people are suffering now indeed and when thinking of them we can send our Love and Light to them with the intent the situation to change soon for the best of all
        Love and Light, my sister

    • I see koi fish, and I am standing at the river, it is early morning. Now I am standing in the river, and with all rivers, streams, it is like life, it searches its way through untill they merge with the sea, the one. I am standing on the beach and I see a monolith with strange markings.I see the rune Perth. And then i fall asleep

  13. Tauno
    March 23, 2013 @ 2:29 pm [Edit]

    Crystal Meditation 23 March 2013
    As I closed my eyes I saw Angels coming to me as a beautiful living picture of a famous artist
    I also remember when sending Light to Mother earth how the chains of the matrix of ignorance of Life are broken , Angels came through my channel right into the Core of Gaia and broke the chains with Angelic LIGHT and LOVE
    I saw the mermaid, dragonfly , Angel, dear Lisa and I was connected with my green Dragon again
    I saw a woman dressed in white dress and she had dark blue colour on her sleeves , the woman had long wavy brown hair and was on a green surface with white flowers, I watched her from above and gradually i started raisin higher and higher, the woman with the flowers became smaller as continued rising up and far into Space, I watced it from Space till this vision was left down the tunnel, I continued rising and this portal that I was going through rotated counter clock and I got a sense of watching the Milky Way Galaxy
    Then I felt the Void, only My Presence was there into the dark, there came Angels next and I started to create a planet, I saw quite clear, as if i am not with my physical eyes closed a Spark, a strong shining golden Spark of Light, it was moving into the darkness, then another Spark came, they two connected with a ray of golden light and formed a kind of “bridge ” between them, then a third Spark I saw and they disappeared
    I saw vague Light coming …violet, blue and white colours…a new world I saw and Angels were there, a sky of blue, pink and yellow lights and at the center two Beings – male and female sitting side by side as a representation of a GOD, they were sitting in a sphere of roses and rose, light blue and pink colours, the sphere rotated and turned into a Planet, i saw this Planet flying in Space and my Heart Chakra expanded and gave LOVE
    Then I was in the void again, only me and my presence, I realized that there is no fear because the Source is always with me and I live in the source and the Source lives through me, I am infinite like the Source
    A being with dark blue robe appeared, this Being was with a hood and came from Higher dimensions, a sphere of Light came from HIS/HER Heart …blue colours, into this sphere there were golden sparks of Light, The Being sent me Light from the Heart, the Sphere went into HIS/HER Heart and came up again giving me Light again and this was it three times and the Rune GEBO appeared on the Sphere that was from this Being`s heart
    I feel this Being both as mother Mary and Santa Muerte and this connection was so strong with me
    I saw some other Angelic Beings after this connection

  14. I have been away for so long, because of my illness and then on the 16th of march, I had surgery. I am now recovering slowly of it. I was so falling behind updating because of this. I hope I updated enough to get you going. Love Lisa

  15. Crystal Meditation – 22 March 2013

    As I closed my eyes i was sitting on my chair but I saw my Higher body and me and mt Higher body were meditating, my Higher body/Self looked like an Indian Ascended master sitting with legs crossed in Lotus pose and in front of me there was a white Lotus flower, it is interesting that I was looking both by this body and at the same time my Spirit looked at this meditating figure from a position in front of myself, I was at the same time physics, Spirit and Higher Self and these three were both separated and ME/ONE
    I asked about Lisa and immediately I received a vision of two souls in human form holding hands inside a tunnel/portal
    Then a ballerina came, she was dancing and dancing, a small ballerina as an Elf, then I saw the wings of this ballerina of White Light
    Then I was connected with Egypt and I saw two pharaoh faces situated one over the other and a space between them, in this space there was formed a mental connection, I felt the face that was down carrying Sphinx vibrations and the face upwards was a Being from Space, I asked about their message to us and I got a blazon
    Inside the blazon I saw a cross that turned into an animal, a deer and the deer jumped up and got out of the frame

  16. Crystal Meditation – 21 March 2013
    I saw a white flat rock in a mountain, it was high above the ground
    Then I saw a White butterfly of Angelic nature, it was an Angel of Light and I got a feeling of LOVE and Protection
    Then I was in Cosmos so near the Earth and I saw the Earth right down, the Planet is surrounded by White Energy and is expanding now

  17. Hello dear friends,

    Not long ago I posted information about a vision I had of an aluminum bucket with a clear plastic bag inside the bucket. There was yellow liquid in the bag. The plastic bag had a label on it but I could not see the writing. I felt it was poisonous gas. I can’t help but wonder if the vision is related to reports that poisonous gas was used in Egypt.

    While meditating yesterday morning I got two separate visions. One was of a small tin can with a drawing of nature on it. Then I had another vision of a box that required a key to open it. I think the message is for me to unlock the box.

    Love and light

  18. Crystal Meditation – 20 March 2013
    I was shown the Runes GEBO and TIR again as my KA was traveling in Space
    Everyday events occupied my mind and the Eye appeared as a center of the Galaxy where the Rune TIR appeared and the worries disappeared there, my worries were swallowed by the Center of the Galaxy and I got the message that We the Light Workers have won the battle with the darkness, this resonates with the vision of the White Knight riding a White Horse from one of my previous meditations and a channeled message I have read after this
    I saw the White magical Unicorn again
    My Heart Chakra expanded and I connected my central Channel with my Higher Self and with the Heart of Gaia, I sent LIGHT to Gaia and I saw a human body rotating and accepting Light codes of transformation, it was as being born, a new Human was born, not in the baby body, this was as giving birth of a mature Human
    A feeling of flight I got

    • I had a great conversation with my son Dylan about time the other day. I told him I wasn’t sure if he would grow up if we stopped time, but he thought that was a minor detail as long as he didn’t have to go to school. 🙂

      I haven’t read much addressing this issue. They kind of deal with it in some vampire movies, where someone who is bitten when they are a child gets “stuck” at that age. Which in our “modern society” would kind of suck after awhile. No pun intended…

      I don’t believe this is what will happen since time is relative. What I’ve observed is that we each have “reality fields” that we can interact with. And I think that’s the key to all this (or maybe one of several keys?).

      • I feel the message is about the growth in consciousness, Troy, no matter what age is manifested, because we are as we chose to be
        Love and Light my dear brother

  19. Crystal Meditation – 19 March 2013

    Immediately as i closed my eyes i saw the Bear
    A Being of crystal White Light was next to me , on my left and I saw another Being, a woman`s face that moved from right to left, She is Maya
    There followed a vacuum , no memory
    A Pharaoh woman , short cut black hair and lots of make -up, then Ra came Ibis headed , I asked about the woman pharaoh and I felt Bastet
    Next I saw Portal opening and I moved through it, it was a tunnel that changed colours and I saw a Bird flying from the other side of this tunnel to me, the Bird is a Spirit
    I remember some craft working with me, saucer shaped ones, my headache that I had before my meditation is now over
    I stepped into the Angelic realm again
    I felt Their Loving Presence and Healing Light
    Then I saw a SUN of red colour at the center of a Solar System, i felt this as my inner Sun giving red Light
    Then I saw the Milky Way Galaxy rotating and I was in it, at the periphery
    Then a Being came to me dressed in dark blue robe, I felt Mother Mary`s Presence and i was both in Cosmos and on Earth
    Next I asked about the Wolf and I saw the Wolf singing 🙂
    Love and Light

  20. Crystal Meditation – 18 March 2013
    I saw the native American Chief named White Eagle as I started my meditation, he came as a crystal image and his face was like steam
    Then thoughts from everyday events occupied my mind and I could hardly concentrate, I asked hazel elves to connect with me and I saw some Beings flying and they looked a bit amusing /little sweet elves..very childish vibrations/ like cartoon characters , they have a good sense of humor
    Next I heard the Angels and I was taken into Angelic realms, I saw a Being inside a Light sphere in the shape of a cotton wool flower
    A sphere of rainbow colours appeared and I could see two or three Beings sitting there side by side, I thought of Lisa and all of us connected with these meditations
    AA Michael came giving Light and protection
    Rosaly was also there giving Healing Rose Light
    when I was connected with the Angelic realm I saw a White knight riding a White Horse, then the Pegasus/Unicorn came as a vision
    I saw the Wolf and we stood together at the base of a tube / Portal that led upwards, we just kept the Gate open for other to go through it
    I found myself on the ground at night, there was a Native American village where I was and four ways stretched in front of me like four rays of dark blue colour, they all were leading forward, I had a choice about which way to follow but I just stood calm
    the Portal was open and the Wolf was there with me and suddenly I saw a Bird going through this Portal
    Then when I said Namaste I got a vision of extremely green mountain area , green pine trees I was watching from above, blue lakes I saw in the mountain and a beautiful woman came to me in Native Bulgarian clothes, she was Vanga, Vanga is not physically here on Earth, She was a strong Spiritual Woman, a Prophet and a channeler of a higher level
    Vanga appeared to me as a young beautiful woman in her perfect form and gave me a flower and a warm welcome, I responded with LOVE and accepted the flower , the flower was white and had a star shape

  21. Crystal Meditation – 17 March 2013
    I saw Lisa lying in her crystal body that was activated in the
    Green colours of a magical elven realm, craft, green saucer shaped craft and their crew I was connected with, the central part of the craft was brown sphere and the ring around it was green, plants and threads interconnected…green
    vacuum in memory, my Spirit was somewhere I do not remember
    then I saw humans wearing gas masks
    Next I heard the running river and a beautiful woman Angel at the river bank, Her name is Rosaly and She was healing the waters, there were other angels there too, a rose colour, Angel in rose I saw , Angels were singing and giving healing and I saw Lisa again in her hospital bed, Arcturians were there with her too and I saw the Eye watching
    I saw a key and a portal and received – Lisa and you all that work together in this mission hold the key , You Are Gatekeepers
    Then I was in the New Earth and it was so beautiful there, green pines, in the distance I saw a mountain chain and the Sun was giving Golden Light and I was flying over this beautiful land and I could see each tree and each stone there
    The Butterfly came carrying all colours possible and shining

    • Now I remember some other details, a beetle turning into a bee that was watching me and a pyramid shining with White Light I saw , I was watching the pyramid from above
      The Beetle and the Bee I connect with Egypt again and the connection with Egypt and Ireland/ the bee is seen as a druids soul either in meditation or leaving the physical body, connected with the Sun energy/, the beetle is connected with the Holy Scarab , a sigh of RA and the Sun
      Love and Light

  22. Crystal Meditation – 16 march 2013

    I saw a crab on the sea bed and a sea star next
    Green colours, plants and portals came next
    My brain was occupied with thoughts and I could not concentrate much but I could imagine a channel connecting all my chakras with Heaven and the core of the Earth
    I sent my intention to channel the Light into the Earth while listening to the Shaman song
    Love and Light

  23. Crystal Meditation – 15 March 2013
    I saw a land of trees with extremely wide trunks of white colour and green leaves
    My heart chakra opened and i felt its area larger and a feeling of the plant kingdom appeared again, I was in the same underwater green forest of elves and I saw the mermaid again, her tail was of folded and twisted green leaves and She was swimming upwards, I saw a dolphin too
    A sense of Open Space appeared and I saw a Being of Light connected with me
    Then mountains, Atlantis mountains in the blue mist appeared
    My green blue dragon came to me and waved with wings and opened its mouth , it is a bit scary dragon and I have a connection with it and I can fly on this dragon`s wings, we flew together over the land

  24. Crystal Meditation – 14 March 2013
    I saw the dragonfly
    Then a plant growing up from the soil and I was under a huge flower, I could see the blossom over me , it was a giant daisy of red/brown colour and I got a feeling it is a craft
    I was led to the plant realm and saw a place, a circle inside a plant stem, around there were many green stems and the circle was a kind of platform of silver white colour and I felt its energy, I strengthened my Light and beamed light to the circle
    I felt myself like shining
    Then I saw a snake around a Lotus flower and Shiva meditating, the message I felt is that We evolved Spiritually and Kundalini is awake
    Then I was in Space and saw threads of Light, Portals opened like giant red flowers
    Then I saw a Light spot that expanded and turned into a wonderful Being of Golden Light with wings, It was like a butterfly of Light
    Lisa, I connected with the Mermaid Dragonfly Angel that You saw
    Thank You

  25. Crystal Meditation 13 March 2013
    I felt my heart chakra opening and I absorbed energy/sound vibrations
    I remember my presence in Open Space and light blue realm, a realm of bliss where I was surrounded by fresh energy that cleaned my heart chakra
    A window I saw and I was sitting on its frame and feeling Blue
    Love and Light

  26. Meditation – 12 March 2013
    I was watching the tree of Life from above, there was a white river that was flowing down and the tree was growing from where the river was, the tree was in the center of the stream
    Then I saw a red flower/orchid opening
    I was in an elven forest and was under a huge brown mushroom, then on a tree branch where I saw a door, an elf house
    Then a portal opened and the Angelic Light connected with me as a ray of White Light and I felt the healing vibrations pulsating in my brain
    Love and Light

  27. Saturday night I set my intention to board Blaze and Aurora.
    I sensed a lot of activity going on. I don’t know which craft I was on but I was helping others move things. We were moving boxes or something to that effect. Lots of people involved in the project.

    Sunday morning I meditated using my amethyst. I got an impression. I could see hands holding prayer beads while praying. I saw a priest wearing black. I felt it was me in another lifetime.
    Love and light

  28. I could see only meditating Shiva with snake skin
    Then the meditation went bringing calmness and a sense of deep relax
    I could not concentrate much too
    Shiva works with me/us, in my dream the honey is a sign for Shiva`s blessing

  29. Crystal Meditation – 9 March 2013
    I do not remember well the visions from the beginning of my meditations but there was a feeling of Space and me there
    I looked the Earth from Cosmos and Mother Mary was there with me observing, I saw her profile, her face was huge and a dark blue veil covered her head
    the Shaman was singing and my Spirit was flying over the land, I was in the sky and watched the Earth from above, I called my dragon and we flew together through the portals, I saw the wings of my green dragon as the Portals opened
    Sphere of Light Golden energy, spiraling Portals of blue
    I saw a wizard – old man with white hair and beard, it looked like Gandalf, later I saw Him riding a donkey
    I saw Shiva meditating and merging with the image of Amenhotep above the land
    A land of green mountains I saw
    Also I felt the presence of Arcturians again
    The Rune GEBO appeared as I saw the Light portal and at the end of my meditations I arrived where Jeshua/Mother Mary was waiting for me, the Master was standing on the ground and I felt I am welcome there

  30. Crystal Meditation – 8 March 2013
    I had a very powerful connection with the Heart of Gaia
    First I saw a blue orb in front of me, this orb stayed with me till the end of my meditation,
    I received DNA activations and some portals opened, I got understanding on deeper level of the Oneness that connects all Beings, I felt this Oneness more vividly and I felt changes in my inner layers and I got a sense of my real Self
    The feeling was as I was getting upwards towards Angelic realms of Light, I almost saw this realm as a Light Sphere up there at the end of the tunnel, a vision of Giza Pyramid came, the Pyramid has aether Angelic wings and it was shining
    Then I heard the Shaman singing and I made a connection with Mother Earth`s Heart through my Heart Chakra, I connected with my Higher Self and imagined a channel through all my chakras that extended deep to the Core of Mother Earth
    I got a vision of a new born baby , Angelic Being was holding the baby and at that moment my Heart was One with the Heart of Mother Earth, I felt a strong connection and explosion of emotions that raised and I started crying, I cried and I cried, Mother Earth cried and the New Beginning was born …this is the beginning of the New Earth, the baby was born, I released so much tension and emotional pain together with the Mother and we were breathing together in synchronicity
    LOVE came in every atom of the Creation and a feeling of … AWE
    I connected with my Higher Self and I felt flying upwards and watching the world from above, higher and higher in the state of Love and Compassion, My Love embraced the Planet and all Living Beings on Earth
    Blue orb shone again

  31. Crystal Meditation – 7 March 2013

    I saw a craft in a shape of a transparent blue saucer – Arcturian craft and a ray of Light coming down from it towards me, the craft could change its diameter
    then thoughts from my everyday troubles came for review and I was asked if i want to release them , I agreed but this process is long….
    vacuum in my memory…then I saw the pharaoh, I felt He is Amenhotep again, I connected with Him last evening via OLA
    I was going through blue aether tunnels into a pyramid, up and left then straight on, there was Light there at the exit
    Love and Light

  32. Crystal Meditation 6 March 2013
    At the beginning of my meditation I had a quick vision of the big black dressed monk, he was in the channel
    Then the Light I saw was red and it changed into golden and green
    I saw streams of Light directed towards me as I was in an ocean of Light, my Heart was connected with this Light and I felt an electricity in my feet and hands
    also my brain seemed like pulsating and I felt a sense of inner Peace and calmness
    DNA activation

  33. Me, Lisa and Elvi were on a mission connected with asteroids perhaps, the three of us received this message/sign

  34. Elvi – Crystal connection 5 March 2013

    a king, blue and red clothes, a golden crown…. a spectre like with filigree-work..golden…
    Then I think I was in Istanbul, saw and heard the sea and birdsand black domes of buildings. There was some old man, a hermit? putting on and tying his sandals, and there was a big angel with him, or perhaps it was the angel fixing with the sandals?
    then in Egypt I saw the Great pyramid, and it was LIT with lights all the way on the sides and to the top – and ON THE TOP. Then I saw Hathor, and between her horns two strong fires/lights erupting like fireworks.
    Then I saw a big feather, grey and black, spotted
    Other than that a lot of yellow and soft pink…
    Then the golden spectre again, a huge one, striking down with great force on Earth
    Does this make any sense??

  35. Crystal Meditation 5 March 2013
    I received a lot of Golden Light and I felt Love vibrating in high frequency in my whole body
    I remember Beings there in the Light and I saw the Earth , I was in Space and watching, there was a huge sphere of light stuck to the Earth, it almost merged with our Planet and from other point I saw some Huge Sources of Light that were radiating Light to the earth, like projectors in Space
    The Eye I saw again on Earth
    on Earth when She was receiving the light I saw a monument of stone, it is a monument similar to the Bulgarian Shipka monument
    Arcturian face I saw
    I entered a rectangular portal
    There were some circular portals there
    Next I saw the bear, the Huge brown bear was next to me and protecting, I saw myself flying then on the wings of a giant Eagle, we were Flying into the Creation itself and it was a dramatic flight through the dimensions, I saw Konstantinos too when I started my journey on the wings of the Eagle
    I was flying in a portal and tears came into my eyes, I felt myself crying and I saw a dark figure in the tunnel, then Santa Muerte came
    I was taken to the realms of after death and Santa Muerte
    I knew why I am there – to ask for change in my Life contract, I asked them to ease my 3D path that remains and I told them I have already felt the Oneness and these lessons are just unnecessary to me because I have to concentrate on my mission of Light, I saw Angels of death with their wings and the feeling was dramatic and ceremonial, their song too
    Then I saw a flower, red flower and Light penetrated there and I saw a portal opening again
    I know what their answer is, wise and most beneficial
    Thank you
    Love and Light

  36. Crystal Meditation – 4 March 2013
    I had a quick connection via my Heart Chakra
    My Heart chakra was like the Solar system with all the planets and I found myself moving in orbit around my inner Sun, the Light was not like the Light of the physical Sun but I could see the colours, pastel and mild blue, pink, violet and white
    then I got a vision of a land of green, I was about to enter in it through the Portal from Space

  37. Crystal Meditation – 3 March 2013
    I do not remember the first impressions from my meditation
    Later I got a thought and this thought was like a dense white ball underwater, I was floating on the river`s surface and the ball was under and was about to emerge
    I was a little boy in the elven forest and I was walking up and there was a river of transparent running water of aetheric Light that was in the forest, the water went over the plants and leaves and the flowers and in the distance was the land of green and blue pine forests
    I was at the verge of an abyss and down there were the woods in the mist – green and blue and so many, I was flying over this land and felt free in the air of fresh energies
    I connected with the Wolf and saw a pink lotus opening and inside there was a Being meditating
    Lights came into my third eye view and I saw a bird, a Bird of Light flying, it looked like a dove of Golden Light
    Thank You
    I saw Ascended Master that appeared
    when I said

  38. Crystal Meditation – 2 March 2013
    I saw Angels giving healing energy
    Cube, platform of rectangular shape also and a human being was there and receiving Light and energy from a craft that was not visible
    I absorbed the sounds and the energy , not definite visions
    I remember an Angel that came in an aura of Blue Light and a female face of a Being of Light that came to me on my right and it was of Pink colour and vibrations, blond hair and pale skin
    The energy was falling down as a waterfall and then I saw my mother that came and said that I am her daughter
    Then I saw a Being of Golden Light that was sitting on a flat platform that was shining
    I looked above and there was a beautiful sky of blue, pink, orange and white colours and a Huge Mother Craft of Arcturian origin was Present into the Cloud

  39. Crystal Connection – 1 March 2013
    I was in an elven forest and was one of the little elves that care for plants, we were taking care of a seed that grew and turned into a big and high Flower, then I remember walking along a green tree branch towards a Portal to another dimension, the Light was Golden Green there, the White Horse appeared again
    AA Michael came and gave me Light and Protection by the Runes ALGIZ and TIR that I could see forming
    I remember flying in orbit around the SUN and I saw the Planets so near, Saturn`s rings I saw, the whole Solar System was so dynamic and so alive
    Arcturians` Presence I felt and I saw the transparent craft again and some dots of Powerful Light were there, I concentrated on one of these dots and I got a sense of expanding Light
    I got a feeling of water …a pool
    Then I saw a Butterfly of Light…it was of white crystal matter and the Butterfly was in fact a Human in development, I saw Human there into the Light
    The running water, the Angels singing, the Light is pouring down to us and I was taken into the New Earth so that to bring my energy there, I brought a sense of the Pure and Clean Freshness of the New Creation, I was in the New Earth and brought there my LIGHT …everything else is a consequence of this sense of Innocent Purity

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