Galactic Lightship Dreamflights 9NOV2013


You are invited to join the next Galactic Lightship Dreamflight this Saturday night (9 November 2013) during dreamtime.

All who have expressed their intent to join us will be teleported on board our fleet of Galactic Light Ships.You may express your intent to join a specific ship (all are welcome!). We will be meeting during dreamtime on Saturday night, but you do not need to “schedule” the time you are asleep, since you will be timeshifted to the appropriate “place” in time in order to join us. Passwords provided are intended to enhance intent, not to limit access.

Our Fleet includes the following ships

GLS Mothership OcaTAwa (Password “Center Spiral Wings Unity”)
GLS Aeterna (Password “Wings“)
GLS Algiz (Password “Center“)
GLS Blaze (Password “Helix“)
GLS Chimera (Password “Emanate”)
GLS Salcys
GLS Angelon
GLS Susan
GLS Space Wave (Password “Unity”)
GLS Athabantian (Password “Radiate”; website: Up2the5th, Cosmic Paradigm)
GLS Aurora (Password “Mocham”; website: Auroradreamflight2)

Our fleet has also been joined by the GLS Tulya, GLS Neptune, GLS Athena, GLS Olympia, GLS Balthazar, GLS Phoenix and GLS Eui.

Standard equipment includes rejuvenation pods, translation modules, navigation equipment, and healing platforms. Materials are crystalline in nature, and may be variable in size and shape.

Collective dream experiences (shared dreams) have been successfully established.

You may wish to read about background information on our process, or more about our Galactic Fleet.

Your Astral travel / Dreamflight experiences may be shared in the comments of this post, or in any way you feel comfortable sharing your experience.

Please note that dreamflights are always free and do not require membership for your participation. Only your intent to join the dreamflights is required.


  1. I took a nap for about 5 minutes sitting in my armchair this afternoon
    I had an amazing dream, it was a state of mine between meditation and dream
    I was connected with Beings of Light that help us do the transformation and I was communicating with them, we were working together
    There are some people here on Earth that are unable to do the transformations of their bodies but they are awakened and want to transform, the Council decided to do an instant transformation of them replacing their old self directly with their new self …it is like computer programme- they will uninstall the old and instal the new self directly from the higher dimensions of these people.This way all wishes will be fulfilled and the free will will be honored because the individuals mentioned above WANT to transform. Other individuals can transform gradually and some of them have already transformed themselves via different methods for personal transformation.
    End of the dream
    Me? I feel my physical body light like a feather these days, I need less sleeping hours and smaller amounts of food and water but I still eat meat. Eating meat – I do not consider it bad or nasty because I let the flow happen, I am following what my body tells me is needed for it, I just follow the promptings of my Heart and my body
    Love and Light

  2. I didn’t get on ship last night, but wonder if I was invited—In my “dream”, I am driving with my sister and up ahead appears a giant white circular cloud that is slowly spinning clockwise. It is dark black in the center and perpendicular to the highway and a few miles ahead. I get scared, thinking it’s some kind of weather event. It goes away after a few moments—Now I am wondering if it was a portal? Anyone else ever have this experience?

  3. My dream of November 9, 2013.

    I was in the street where I lived as a child.
    As I walk past the house of our neighbors and I see that the door is open.
    That’s not as it should be, I go inside. I see no one, it was not directly in the house, but a kind of vestibule. All very clean and neatly tiled.
    Suddenly our neighbor from across the street enters .
    She is not really surprised that I’m here, I ask how our neighbor is doing and she replies that she would have long been dead if I she would have not been there.
    She also have brought something to eat. I ask if I can help because her trembling hands are not able to unpack the food. Please she says, because I have to go to the solicitor.
    There were sweets, I put them in a jar. When I looked at them thoroughly I saw that there were licorices in it as well, I took one of them.

    End dream

    • Hi Suzuki33, the invitation says “includes” meaning there are (MANY) others… and my understanding was that the GLS Susan was a “personal” ship – I did not want to impose an “open” invitation if that’s not the case. If the Susan does have an open invitation I’ll be happy to add it to the list. 🙂 (I seem to recall a request to remove the GLS Susan from the list – sorry if that wasn’t the case…) Please let me know- the more the merrier!

      • thanks! no it was something about , a commenter said susan needed group work. also missing…and was small, and for children and healing. but it was said had hurt feelings when not recognized. was wondering if it was still felt as missing, since it was said, we will see how well susan hums along with group work and related it toscension.

          • oh wow that is so great Thank You! I remember the comment about her sometimes looking like Tyra Banks and thought that was cute,she is kidlike and silly sometimes haha. but just pretty and pleasant. and references to dolphins..or shopping malls.

            • That is very interesting, I’ll keep those references in mind! Maureen of the Aeterna looks exactly like Miranda Lawson from the Mass Effect 2 series:


              I met Maureen in a dream once, in her office / cabin (possibly another time when she was a stewardess at the airport). We were discussing strategy but I wasn’t allowed to remember what we talked about, unfortunately… She was even wearing the white outfit, and some kick-ass boots, that were kind of like ski boots. 🙂 She was friendly and encouraging.

  4. I should also say, my intent here is not to tell anyone to “keep quiet”! I was recently reminded of a “wise old owl” poster that my grandparents had in their house – the owl was different from the one here, but the poem was the same. This is advice I’ve carried close to my heart for many years. 🙂

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