Galactic Lightship Dreamflights 2AUG2014

You are invited to join the next Galactic Lightship Dreamflight this Saturday night (2 August 2014) during dreamtime.

All who have expressed their intent to join us will be teleported on board our fleet of Galactic Light Ships.You may express your intent to join a specific ship (all are welcome!). We will be meeting during dreamtime on Saturday night, but you do not need to “schedule” the time you are asleep, since you will be timeshifted to the appropriate “place” in time in order to join us. Passwords provided are intended to enhance intent, not to limit access.

Our Fleet includes the following ships

GLS Mothership OcaTAwa (Password “Center Spiral Wings Unity”)
GLS Mothership mu
GLS Aeterna (Password “Wings“)
GLS Algiz (Password “Center“)
GLS Blaze (Password “Helix“)
GLS Chimera (Password “Emanate”)
GLS Salcys
GLS Angelon
GLS Susan
GLS Space Wave (Password “Unity”)
GLS Athabantian (Password “Radiate”; website: Up2the5th, Cosmic Paradigm)
GLS Aurora (Password “Mocham”; website: MultidimensionaloceanAuroradreamflight2)

Our fleet has also been joined by the GLS Tulya, GLS Neptune, GLS Athena, GLS Olympia, GLS Balthazar, GLS Phoenix and GLS Eui.

Standard equipment includes rejuvenation pods, translation modules, navigation equipment, and healing platforms. Materials are crystalline in nature, and may be variable in size and shape.

Collective dream experiences (shared dreams) have been successfully established.

You may wish to read about background information on our process, or more about our Galactic Fleet.

Your Astral travel / Dreamflight experiences may be shared in the comments of this post, or in any way you feel comfortable sharing your experience.

Please note that dreamflights are always free and do not require membership for your participation. Only your intent to join the dreamflights is required.


  1. I was in a place like a kid’s activity center. The dream started outside in a field with trees. There were a few of us, and we were discussing strategy. Things were kind of tense, as if the stakes (whatever they were) were high, and the outcome had “real” repercussions. But at the same time, it was a fun place… The games were intended for adults; it’s like professional sports where men play baseball or hockey.

    The inside was painted in bright colors. Each room had a different color scheme, for example yellow and purple, or teal and turquoise. There were objectives to meet, and we were successful each time. At the end, I was with a friend and we had these large nerf guns. We had to shoot fake purple aliens, jumping out from the walls ( like a rail shooter). I had this strange feeling that although we were very successful, and the outcomes really mattered, we were just playing kid’s games, and everything was fabricated for our amusement ( which of course it was…).

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