Konstantinos: Archangel Michael-‘Creating by Heart is the proof for your God Origin’

The synchronizations in your life are not random. You receive messages from the Holon which, as you can understand, includes you too. Do not try to rationalize , at least not very much, everything.

The ‘ask and you shall receive’ process has its scientific side, but this does not mean that its whole explanation for this or a similar case, can be limited to a linear way of thought.

That is why we tell you to be ‘open’…accepted…clear. By listening to your Heart, you hear Us and the Creator and vice versa. You are the ones who go through ‘difficulties’ and you are very honored for your courage to choose the creation of experiences to dimensions of low frequency.

But for a specific number of years, this frequency continues to increase more and more. You continue, and some others have just begun, to remember more of your origin and your relationship with the ‘Plan’.

There are no mysteries, but only temporary blanks of memory. Recovering them, steady but effectively, you can see this which you so eagerly dignify to the ‘Angels and Saints’. Agonizing deaths are not necessary, in order for you to return at Home.

Do not forget that ‘martyrdoms’ and generally any kind of unpleasant situations that you experience, YOU are responsible for them…and the Law of Attraction. Of course there are many more factors that are included here.

The main thing for the human of the New Age is to live, think and act by the Heart. THEN, your real crystal clear sight begins to return and THEN it is the time that you start facing  everything with the perception of the Spiritual Light…of the Unconditional Love.

Be Blessed Everyone…awakened and unawakened. It does not make any real difference, because no one wanders to the Darkness forever.

Archangel Michael.

As received by Konstantinos.

PS: For anyone who wish to read the previous messages, here are the links:







  1. Glad you liked it dear Tauno. It was my ‘first’ time connecting with AAM for a channeled message and that hapened after I received an inner ringing to my left ear. Also, just to know, I received another message from Iltheos, which I posted yesterday. I received both of them in the period I was away. Much Love to you.

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