
Hi Friends, This is a very informative message about NESARA>. Mike Quinsey.

Posted on January 3, 2013 by Sirian Heaven

(I never felt the urge to share things about Nesara because it never interested me personally, neither not talking about it with Saint Germain in my private space. But because some are asking me about it, I agreed to do one channeling only about this subject. Love, Méline♥)

M: Can you give me some insights as to your Trust Fund and Nesara? Are these for real and is the World Trust Fund a part of Nesara?

SG: Of course, you may inquire about those issues and it will be my pleasure to reply. The World Trust Fund is something that is, albeit it slowly, emerging on your current world. It has to do with returning to Humanity, as a kind of recompensation, of the funds that have ever been taken…

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  1. This video may be worth a listen-

    -There is a gag order on the real name of NESARA is a domain owned by the bush regime, for the purposes of disinformation
    -National Economic Security and Reformation Act

    To answer your question Michael, I think what you are seeing (given that the bush regime is heavily involved) is the symptoms of the mind-control process in full swing. For example, Sandy Hook is a traumatic event that acts as a trigger for public thought manipulation.

  2. That’s a great point! I am wondering what’s up too. It seems that there are some people that spoke of things like NESARA way back when. But now, they say “I have never endorsed or even mentioned that!” I will say, the first time I ever heard the term NESARA, it was from the gentleman who says he has never spoken about it. It seems that there are some who are changing the song they sing. Why? What’s going on?

  3. I think I understand…. Melanie is responding to the recent SaLuSa note regarding NESARA. I wonder if we could just get SaLuSa to interview St. Germain and cut out the “middle men”?

    Also something I noticed is that St. Germain mentions that the fund won’t be released until humanity is less greedy. On first reading this sounds as though St. Germain is fairly critical of humans being human. Is it possible for an Xth (8th?) dimensional soul to be judgmental? 😀

    I am not being critical of Melanie, I am just pointing out a few questions this raises. Personally, I feel whatever happens “NOW” is exactly what we need at this “time”. Our creation is practically perfect in every way.

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