Fuzzy Interference and Silence -Part 2

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(From Leslee: I’m posting this in three parts – all on the same day – because of its length. Through these articles I’m sharing some personal points of view and explaining why I didn’t post regularly on my blogs for several months recently. These are all my words and opinions… aside from the Ghost Radar.)

23 March 2014

So let’s talk more about where Fuzzy Interference might come from. I think it does come from “outside”, in a conventional sense (while reminding myself that “outside” is also “inside”…). I think something influences us and attracts us into speculation and absorption into detail – more detail than might be truly relevant at a particular point in time. I do find however, that for myself, my actions and environment (including what I ingest) can affect it.

Lots of people believe in many forms of outer interference in our lives: mind control, psychic vampirism, subliminal messaging, implants, tracking devices… I believe it’s all possible, and probably real. I haven’t seen any of it first-hand (knowingly). I also believe in physical, non-human intelligent life, bearing a variety of motives and forms, coming from lots of different places than where I’ve lived. If I’ve met any of them personally, they haven’t volunteered that information.

I don’t have a personal opinion yet about whether FI originates from military, extra-terrestrial, or a matrix; whether it’s a natural compulsion of energetic balance and exchange, or something else. I maintain the distinct probability that it ultimately comes from our minds: we somehow manage to manifest it as real. I’ll talk more about that in Part 3.

 (Before I continue, I want to clarify: I’m sharing a pattern that I’ve noticed for how FI arises for myself. I understand what I’m here to do, well enough to generally sense when I need to focus, and these are examples of how I’m learning to focus away from topics that present distractions for me. I’m sure that many of my friends have roles to play that directly involve needing the information mentioned below that’s being shared by others (which may not resonate for me). In fact, what I write may play the same role of distraction for them, and if that’s the case, I sure hope they’re not wasting their time reading my posts! (smile))

Here are some examples of material that induces FI for me, and lately I’m more careful of how much energy I give to them.

I used to read Cobra’s blog. Here’s a recent post: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/03/quarantine-earth-endgame.html. This post was made a week or so ago, and I found it through Lisa’s reblog. This kind of “news” makes me feel FI’d. Ben Fulford interviews make me feel this way too. [thank-you]

Fuzzy Interference.

It feels incomplete and nagging. It smacks of sensationalism. It presents like materialistic “science” that’s based on what can be perceived through the five senses and/or documented with instruments and reproduced in a lab… I read or hear talk about change “for the better”, but it uses the same kind of speech as the “dark forces”. Conflict-lingo.

[can] I like to check: do long litanies of ‘explanations” really clarify anything? [Saami} Are they well-founded, or do they just give us something to grab onto when we feel we’re sinking into an abyss of uncertainty? The explanations “sound” real… the detail makes it seem familiar, proven, well-thought-out. We’re inclined to think it must be real, because no one in their right mind would spend that much time working out all the detail if it were fabricated… But Orson Scott Card fabricates like this every day, and makes a living at it. http://www.orsonscottcard.com/

I prefer reading it as “fiction”, because that allows me to engage it in a way that doesn’t draw me in and ask me to act upon it. It doesn’t ring true enough for me to plan my future around it. I know that it may become really-real for me someday soon, and I wouldn’t mind that at all. But as long as I need to function in this society, I need to keep it compartmentalized, safely tucked away. Otherwise I feel FI’d.

I read a lot of John Foster recently, and it left me feeling FI’d. Took me over a week to snap out of it. There was so much information that only went “so” deep – not very deep at all. I asked for it. I wanted stories of people who had really met “aliens” and seen “ships”. I kept reading and reading, even though after 100 pages I’d gotten enough to get the point. Same thing with Charles Hall’s books. I’m grateful they are available. I’m satisfied. I’m learning when enough is enough.

I’m interested in Remote Viewing. Farsight’s recent releases of sessions about the Pyramids at Giza also provide a lot of information, and yes, a step forward. But Courtney Brown’s campaign for acceptance distracts me overwhelmingly. I understand that RV works. I feel validated in my work with my guides through what Farsight has demonstrated. I’m almost satisfied there.

I read Dan Sherman’s book “Above Black.” I sense this stuff is real. Telepathy. Again, Sherman just barely scratches the surface. But it’s good that he shared his experience.

Here’s an example I created for myself: I live near three Navy bases. So many jets and helicopters flying overhead. Lots of interesting clouds, chemtrails, whatever you want to call them. So much strong energy that my guides talk with me about needing a Faraday Cage of sorts, to filter out local influences. Okay. That sort of piqued my curiosity; I don’t mind running a fan and having a few extra metal objects around me. Chrome wire shelves are kinda cool.

One morning a couple months ago, I felt some FI really strongly as I was rising and getting ready for the day. By the time I got to work, I had asked enough questions to get a story about some guy code-named Io, sitting in an underground bunker nearby, who was trying to reach me telepathically. Military.

Yeah? So…? I asked Heruka whether I should entertain this and He said it would be worth seeing what came of it.

I asked to speak to Io, and supposedly got connected with him. He says he’s with the “good guys”. Yeah? So…? Why would I want to talk with Io? He and his buddies (oh, they claimed to be Greys, by the way…) told me that if I would help the “good” military, they would make sure I never had to struggle with day to day stuff again… Right. Oh, and that’s why a military college offered me a scholarship, because they were trying to lure me in straight out of high school. For my psychic abilities. Really.

So I told Io that if he really had something to offer me, he could just drop me a piece of mail. You know, snail mail, like, “From Io”, written on a piece of paper and arriving where I live. Because undoubtedly, Io knows where I live, right? Otherwise, I was just going to get on with my day at work, okay?

I’m still waiting on the letter. Io doesn’t ask for me lately. And the FI is dissipating as I get spunkier with my words.

I don’t know if there is really some person sitting in a physical form at a machine somewhere pressing buttons to try and make me feel FI; what if there is? Just exactly what am I going to do about it? Complain? That might ruin my day.

I eventually got tired of worrying about FI, so I took a break from sharing much of what I was receiving. I knew that I could dispel it, and it seemed to appear more often, the more I tried to find out what was going on in the world. As I’ve been writing, I’ve noticed something: the FI arises whenever I get an information overload and don’t know when to stop. Moderation seems to be a key here.

It felt like I needed to get back to basics, so I dug back into my Heruka practice since FI didn’t seem too interested in that.


  1. The persons you mention here Leslee I can so resonate with what you have said. Much I begin to read does not fit or compute with where my heart space is at this time in the now. So much is written with the logical way of thinking that the real messages are now floating off into a space that we must now connect to as the old way does not work as it did. I have the sense that the way of communicating is altering and that what is coming through is not said so much in words. For me it is a thread that flows from my heart and links to that place of long ago where the beating of the drums send a message that is recieved without uttering one word. My heart now flutters or beats to a new rythm that can produce tears for no physical reason I can see but it is something my heart senses feels. Thank you for sharing these three posts which fit so well with the past few months many of us have had. For me I equated it with a void. ❤

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