Astral Travels

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George Petroven on Astral Travel

Jay Bland on Astral Travel, Channeling Scientific Rationale and Guide
Uriel: The Transformative Nature of your Dreams

May 3

Dear Friends, thanks to Wes Annac I found this message that resonates with our common work here

AuroRa Le

URIEL. The Transformative Nature Of Your Dreams. By, AuroRa Le. May 3, 2012.

For so many of you, your dreams are now beginning to present themselves as opportunities to discover a variety of new and exciting facets of yourselves. For some, these dreams allow you to step into the shoes of, and become united with, one of the scattered soul fragments of yourselves, which have incarnated into other dimensional sectors of the human experience.

Take note that I do not refer to any of these as your higher self, as it is simply my own very personal viewpoint that there is no one aspect of your soul self which is any greater or wiser than another. The term “higher” can be misleading, and I have counseled many who have been under the erroneous impression that this energy – which is but the vibrationally strongest energy you left behind, incompatible with the dense 3D vessel – somehow is better, or has it better than the part of you which is now incarnated on Earth. This energy is you, and it is actually one of the merging aspects I speak of now.

Let us now consider the other times, when you may choose to travel “home” to revel in the loving embrace of beloved friends and family. And also what I like to consider a type of “work-study”, or intergalactic road-trip. These often occur during the nighttime sleep cycle, and you use this time to go “back to work”; to do the myriad jobs which you normally perform when in your natural environment and awareness. You may even attend a Council meeting or a class. Far less common are the times when you are taken away in the physical vessel, for much need healing and recalibration.

I have observed the puzzled reactions of many who have awakened to find a bruise or a tiny pinprick marring their skin, and it is this type of travel which may serve as one potential explanation. Know that all of these should be thought of as accelerated growth experiences, and no particular type of “dream” is of any more importance than another. All are powerfully enriching to your Ascension and your progression out from the grip of the 3rd density. If you take nothing else away with you from our talk today, let it be this… All is equal in Unity Cosciousness.

There are a wide variety of ways in which you may identify whether or not you have had one of these transdimensional experiences. There are indeed signposts to distinguish them from the lessons of the lucid dream. Notice how you feel upon awakening, the emotions which are present. Your senses will be heightened and finely tuned. You are able to smell, touch and taste in exact detail, as though you’d been wide awake all along.

Word for word, you can precisely recall a conversation, a piece of music or the most minute details about what you have seen and done. You were there, yet not there. You were you, but somehow not yourself at all. Have you ever awakened on the night, amidst the throes of one of these experiences? You attend a crying child or other such tasks, then fall back to sleep, instantly resuming the “dream” at the precise point where you left off? You are shocked that this occurred. How can this be?

Dear friends and family, the days of full enlightenment are rapidly approaching. There is precious little of your time left before you are enjoying this full integration of self. This is wonderful news indeed! As Earth’s timelines merge together as one, thus your own are merging together as well. What you are accomplishing each and every night is the necessary coming together of your knowing, your memories and your Self. All are converging perfectly onto one blissful pathway to Ascension. Try to record your journeys as you take them.

I also cannot stress enough to you the great importance of sleep and meditation. Your lessons occur just as frequently in the relaxed, meditative state as well, so do not neglect your daily practice. These are the times we all look forward to; when we are able to work with you, unhindered by the distraction and demands of the 3rd dimensional illusion. Be in awe of yourselves, as you are our shining stars! Be in peace.


  1. (NOTE FROM LESLEE – please see links above for where to post the dream accounts – I kinda messed up by putting this one here… Thanks!) 🙂
    Hi, everybody! I had an interesting dream this morning that I think might have involved one of our new fellow-travelers here on STC…
    I had a funny dream, that I could float around at will… I was helping a friend work on a building that was like the kind of tool shed that farmers park their tractors under, but it was as large as an aircraft hanger and made of cream-colored metal.
    The friend was a blond man, probably in his 30’s or early 40’s, and he had a son who looked a lot like him, who was about 8-10 years old.
    I’m told we were on GLS Chimera, in an area that had been built to look like our home world; it didn’t feel like Inner Earth or a galactic ship… It felt more like upstate NY or CT…
    There was also nearby a large white frame house, like a farmhouse; square and 2-3 stories tall. All of the windows were covered in the outside with flags that looked like silk paintings… One was a very faded portrait of Einstein.
    It was a very earthy-feeling dream… I was laughing because I wasn’t accustomed to flying underneath something like the big shed, and I kept bumping things above, so I turned over to fly on my back…
    There was also some work we were doing on a radio tower/windmill near the shed. We were laughing and joking and horsing around, having fun. I think I may have appeared as a man in the dream… We were also using a lot of profanity, in a joking way… 😉
    Sound familiar to anyone?
    Y’all have a great day! Lots of love to all… 😀

    • Les, I was dreaming about a builder that was in my house and was working in a room, my father was also there and before I met the worker I was in a big hall with huge windows, it looked like a big office…in white, grey and metallic, there were stairs also there

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